Nine Noble Virtues
The Nine Noble Virtues are a modern ethical framework inspired by Norse mythology and the values often associated with Viking culture. While not originating from the ancient Norse themselves, the 9NV were developed in the 20th century by individuals within modern Heathenry as a way to articulate values drawn from the Old Norse sagas, Eddas, and other historical texts.
What are the Nine Noble Virtues?
The Nine Noble Virtues are typically listed as:
Courage (Áræði): Facing challenges and dangers with bravery and determination. This virtue is essential in Norse mythology, where heroes often face overwhelming odds with unflinching resolve.
Truth (Sannindi): Being honest and trustworthy, aligning your words and actions with reality and integrity. Truth was deeply valued in Norse society as the foundation of trust within the community.
Honor (Heiðr): Acting in ways that bring respect to yourself and your kin. Honor is often depicted in the sagas as a guiding force behind actions, even in the face of death.
Fidelity (Tryggð): Staying loyal to your family, friends, and community. This includes commitment to one’s oaths and responsibilities.
Discipline (Sjálfsagi): Maintaining self-control and striving for personal growth through hard work and perseverance.
Hospitality (Gestrisni): Treating guests and strangers with generosity and kindness. Hospitality was a sacred duty in the Viking Age, where the harsh environment made mutual aid a necessity.
Industriousness (Dugnaður): Valuing hard work and taking pride in one’s efforts to contribute to the community and better one’s life.
Self-Reliance (Sjálfsbjargarviðleitni): Cultivating independence and the ability to take care of oneself and one’s loved ones.
Perseverance (Þrautseigja): Enduring through difficulties with resilience and determination, a quality frequently demonstrated by Norse heroes.
Origins & Modern Usage
The Nine Noble Virtues were first formalized by the Odinic Rite, a contemporary Heathen organization, but they have since been adopted and adapted by various other groups and individuals. While they are not historical in origin, the virtues reflect themes found in ancient Norse literature, where characters embody these traits in their struggles and triumphs.
For modern practitioners of Heathenry or those inspired by Norse culture, the Nine Noble Virtues serve as a guide for living a meaningful and honorable life. They provide a way to connect with the spirit of the past while navigating the complexities of the present.
Personal Perspective
For me, the 9NV are less about strict rules and more about a lens through which I interpret and live by Norse-inspired values. They remind me of the strength, resilience, and courage required to forge ahead on life’s paths while staying true to myself and my principles. They are not a checklist but a compass, guiding actions and choices in harmony with the ancient wisdom we seek to honor.